Profile of patients in Intensive Care Unit of burns in a reference hospital
Burns, External causes, Epidemiology, Critical careAbstract
Introduction: Burns represent an important public health problem in Brazil, being commonly characterized as a skin lesion in its various layers resulting from various etiologies. Among the external causes is one of the main causes of death. Objective: To describe the profile of patients admitted to the intensive care unit specialized in burn patients, including those who died. Method: This is a retrospective descriptive study carried out in a highly complex and intensive care unit specialized in burns in Salvador, Bahia. Secondary data related to the period from October 2016 to March 2018 were collected. Results: 179 patients with a mean age of 43.03 years were included, the mean body surface burned was 32.8% and the main etiological agents were heat / fire 34.1% and electricity 20.7%. The female sex had a death rate of 43.9% and the male sex 23.9%. The most prevalent cause of death was heat / fire (12%) followed by electricity. However, gas sources alone represent the highest percentage (56%). Conclusion: There was a higher prevalence of males among hospitalized patients, although females have evolved as most deaths, both in relation to the total population and among hospitalized women. Further studies are needed to investigate longitudinally and associative causes and morbidity and mortality in burned patients.
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