@article{Andrade_Matos_Cardoso_Santos_Peixoto_Silva_Silveira_2022, title={ Psychic disorders and peptic ulcer disease: a systematic review with meta-analysis}, volume={2}, url={https://journalmhr.com/index.php/jmhr/article/view/44}, abstractNote={<p>Introduction: Psychological Disorders (PD) are characterized by clinically significant cognitive disorders, while Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) is a resulting condition of gastric and/or duodenal erosions formations. The multifactorial model of PUD’s etiology shows a way to analyze the psychic aspects about the pathology of this disease. Objective: To evaluate the correlation between PD and PUD. To discuss the possible influence of pathophysiological efts in the PUD development, of patients with PD; To identify the association between PD and the PUD’s environmental risk factors. Methods: This is a systematic review with meta-analysis of scientific articles consulted through research in PubMed database on October 9, 2019. We selected documents from journals written in English, and studied selection strategies were adopted, with identification, initial filter, application of inclusion-exclusion criteria and quality control, to perform the extraction and data collection of the eligible articles. Results: A total of 534 articles were identified and we found obtained 10 eligible studies (cross-sectional studies included for qualitative sample composition and 6 cohort studies for quantitative analysis of the meta-analysis). The results demonstrated that the patients with PD are more likely to develop DUP (OR = 1,642; 95% CI: 1,369-1,968; z = 5,361; p &lt;0.001). Conclusion: The present study demonstrated an association between PD and DUP, with a higher prevalence and strong association in the PD’s direction leading to DUP.</p>}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Multiprofessional Health Research}, author={Andrade, Beatriz Cristina de Moura and Matos, Carlos Andreyson Galvão de and Cardoso, Thiago Marconi and Santos, Ronaldo Carneiro dos and Peixoto, Eduardo Lopes Oliveira and Silva, Juliana Cavalcanti de Andrade and Silveira, Yara Viana Rodrigues da}, year={2022}, month={Jan.}, pages={e03.169-e03.185} }