The spiritist religion and psychoactive drugs: A study of social representations
Religion, Spirituality, Dependence on psychoactive substances, Social psychologyAbstract
Introduction: The concept of health currently used is about comprehensive care, which aims not only to reach the human being regarding their diseases, but also their social and mental. Thus, the study aimed to identify the origin of the social representation of psychoactive drugs and their users for the Kardecist spiritist religious group and analyze this representation and its implications for health care. Method: This is a qualitative and quantitative study. Data were collected in the years 2018 and 2019 through semi-structured interviews. The data collection scenario included the religious temples of the Kardecist spiritists. Results: 30 subjects participated in this stage, chosen at random, who met the inclusion criteria previously established. In this section of the study, only the results regarding the participants of the spiritist religion will be presented, totaling 9 participants. Conclusion: Based on the results found, it was evident that the participants of the religious Spiritist Kardecista condemn the abuse of drugs, as they reinforce that, in addition to the physical problems that this use can cause, it is also capable of bringing religious and spiritual harm, preventing the faithful to have contact with the transcendent in a particular way.
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